Tutorial Requiments Reward All Sagas ----- lots of valuable items and a new target technique - 'shenron attack'. Bills Set Quest - 380 Level. Bills Set. Power Quest - 400 Level. New transform. Hyper Power Quest - 600 Level, - 100 shining pearl of the eternity, - 100 shining pearl of the wisdom, - 100 shining pearl of the mysteries, - 100 shining pearl of the power. New transform. Master Quest - 1000 Level, - Super Reborn, - 400 Iron Bars. New transform. Xicor Part 1 ----- 5% ki dmg. Xicor Part 2 ----- Xicor set. Xicor Part 3 ----- 5% ki dmg, 5% melee dmg, new character - 'xicor'. Arctic Quest ----- Arctic Glove/Arctic Sword/Arctic Ball, Arctic Gem. Flore Quest ----- Flore Glove/Flore Sword/Flore Ball, Flore Gem. Magma Quest ----- Magma Glove/Magma Sword/Magma Ball, Magma Gem. Hit Set Quest - 850 Level. Hit Set. Super Band Quest ----- Super band of attack speed. Legendary Map - 4 parts of map of the legendary island. 6 Legendary Scrolls. Sun Necklace - 1150 Level, - Secret of Sun Island. Sun Necklace. Antarctic Necklace - 1150 Level, - Secret of Antarctic Island. Antarctic Necklace. Chybie Furie - 2 Players. New wave technique - 'chybie furie'. Special Death Beam - 3 Players. New wave technique - 'special death beam'. Mystic Flash Attack ----- New wave technique - 'mystic flash attack'. Mystic Death Beam ----- New wave technique - 'mystic death beam'. Death Flash ----- New wave technique - 'death flash'. Double Flash ----- New wave technique - 'double flash'. Death Reach ----- New area technique - 'death reach'. Super Golden Reach ----- New area technique - 'super golden reach'. Demonic Quest - Whis Set, - Done three quests: arctic, - flore and magma. Demonic Set. Shenron Blast Quest - Complete GT Saga. New target technique = 'shenron blast'. Astral Quest - Complete GT Saga. Pink/Green/Blue/Red Pottara. Diamond Quest - Complete GT Saga. Pink/Green/Blue/Red Diamond - pottara upgraders.. Super Diamond Quest - 1450 Level. Super Turquoise/Red/Violet Diamond - pottara upgraders.. Super Backpack Quest - 1450 Level. Pink/Green/Blue/Red Super Backpack. Exchange Scroll Quest ----- 3x Exchange Scroll for Dark Sun/Bright Shenron items. SS Quest - 1000 Level, - Done demonic quest. Sun/Shenron Box. Hyper Order Quest - 1450 Level, - Complete GT Saga. Pink/Green/Blue/Red Hyper Order. Hyper Backpack Quest - 1450 Level, - Unqiue Backpack, - Done super backpack quest. Pink/Green/Blue/Red Hyper Backpack. Hyper Diamond Quest - 1450 Level, - Done three quests: astral, - diamond and super diamond. Pink/Green/Blue/Red Hyper Diamond. Hyper Necklace Quest - 1450 Level, - Elemental Necklace, - Done two quests: Sun Necklace, - Antarctic Necklace. Pink/Green/Blue/Red Hyper Necklace. Hyper Buff Quest - 1450 Level, - Hyper Ticket. Hyper buff. Volcanic Quest - 1850 Level, - Volcanic Stone. 6x Volcanic crystal. Defense Piercing Quest - 1850 Level, - Done volcanic quest. +5% Ki/Melee Defense Piercing. Golden Dungeon - 2000 Level, - Golden dungeon ticket. Check 'dungeons' subpage. Ancient Dragon's Quest - 2250 Level, - Ancient Key. Pink/Green/Blue/Red Dragon Book, 5x Casino Coin, 50 Mystical Crystals, 2x Offline Training Regeneration Bottle.