Command | Shortcut | Description |
!saga | --- | Show your current saga. |
teleport | ALT + T | Teleport to temple. |
teleport house | ALT + H | Teleport to your house. |
!bol | --- | Buy the band of loss. |
!frags | --- | Show your frags. |
!techniques | --- | Show your techniques. |
!info | ALT + I | Show informations about yourself. |
!ep;!eventpoints | --- | Show your event points. |
!removetrain | --- | Remove trainer which stand next to you. |
!mdb | --- | Change the color of "Mystic Death Beam". Cost: 100 crystals. |
!shop | ALT + S | Open game shop. |
!questfinder | ALT + Q | Open quest finder. |
!cloud | ALT + C | Sit on the cloud. |
!autoloot | ALT + L | Open auto loot window. |
!cast | --- | Cast system. |
!pvpalert | --- | Turn on/off pvp alert. |
!pztime | --- | Show time to the end of pz. |
!task | --- | Show your tasks. |
!hl;!hunting;!hunts;!huntingsystem | --- | Show hunting log. |
!bounty | --- | Determines the reward for someone's head. Example: !bounty patrykq,100. |
!online | --- | Show players online. |
!uptime | --- | Show server uptime. |
!removefrags | ALT + R | Remove frags. |
!removepz | ALT + P | Remove PZ. |
!tradepp | --- | Give your premium points on trade. Example: !tradepp patrykq,500. |
!tradehouse | --- | Give your house on trade. Example: !tradehouse patrykq. |
!house kick | --- | Kick somebody from house. |
!house door | --- | Edit door list in your house |
!house guest | --- | Edit guest list in your house. |
!house subowner | --- | Edit subowner list in your house. |
!leavehouse | --- | Leave from house. |